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Is a high load of categories causing a very slow site?

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Hi Guys,

I have done some tests on the testserver (very fast server) and live server.

I have over 1200 categories in the table category_lang.

I even didn't upload 23000 products, and the site is sooooooo slow...almost not usable.

is there any reason (indexing?) why the system must work so damn hard to build the navigation?

is there a maximum of categories?

I think the slow time is caused of the building of the navigation.
is there a way to build the second level only when someone click on the first level?
in that case we can save an enormous load each time a page refreshes.

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Yes, the standard category module loads every category on every page using recursive Smarty templates. When there are many categories, this can really slow down your site. My AJAX Sliding Categories module gets around this issue by loading only the top level of categories and then loading the subcategories using AJAX only when required. There is also a free module available here that removes the recursive Smarty templates from the category module to speed it up.

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Check your mysql slow queries log, I helped someone with a similar situation where over 1,000 categories was taking a really long time to load.

More hosts have a /tmp/mysql_slow_queries folders with files (named by date).

If you post a few of them here, I'll try to help.

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