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1.7 Fixed prices in different currencies ?


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one quick question: is it available to set different / fixed prices for one product in different currencies? (without any currency exchange rate) 


ex. i can list item A, with price: 10.99EUR, 8.99USD, 7.49GBP ?

this was impossible in version 1.6


thanks in advance for quick answer




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This has not changed in 1.7.

However - if I am not wrong - I think you could define a specific price rule for each product in each currency changing the base price with no discount and that should override the currency converted price since there is a specific price for that currency. It is a lot of work, indeed, but have you tried? 

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This has not changed in 1.7.

However - if I am not wrong - I think you could define a specific price rule for each product in each currency changing the base price with no discount and that should override the currency converted price since there is a specific price for that currency. It is a lot of work, indeed, but have you tried? 

Didn't try that. Your method could be working but, for 1500 SKUs and 4 currencies,  that sounds like too much trouble :) and maybe perforemence issues..


We had to change that functionality in 1.6, (we have made core changes) and i was thinking how much trouble would be in upgrading to 1.7.. seems like a lot ;/


thanks for the reply


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