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Dynamic Pricing


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Hi ! I am looking to find a way influence the price of a number of products. Say for example i am having 1000 products of different prices. I would ideally prefer the prices of a large number of products to vary according to the changes made to the defined criteria.


Here is an example of a typical product-

Product Alpha -

Total weight of product = 6 Grams

Making charges included in price-  $25 per every gram 

Value of precious metal - $ 500 per 1 gram included


The product in above example is priced at $5600 using the static way, however i need to be able to define the price based upon variables and also influence the price of several products just by changing the value of the price variables.


Calculation example of price of product Alpha-

Total weight of product Alpha = 6 Grams.

Weight of precious metal in product alpha is 4 grams (Therefore the price calculated of product Alpha based upon the weight of precious metal is $2000(Considering $500 per gram x 4 Grams).

Making charges - $ 25 per gram (Total making charges involved $100 ($25x4 Grams).


So the final price of $5600 will include variable elements ($2000 + $100).


I want to be able to change the price of variable component(s) and thereby influencing the price of all products where the criteria was used.


Thumbs up to anyone who can point me to the right direction or solution.

Edited by amitkher (see edit history)
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