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(solved)Small help needed...


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Hello again my friend!

In my template header.tpl file I have the following code to show my left column hook.. maybe you could do a similar thing?

if $page_name == 'index'}


{else} {/if} 

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hmm can´t figure it out... i have the "center_column" in the index but i don´t need it it makes a bit strange flow in IE and opera but not in other browsers... ill try to search the forum again..

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Hi there;)

Thanks for your reply!
Yep I m actually familiar with modules, what i am actually trying to do is to get rid of a Div that doesn´t have to be there and reflowing the other content of my index page although it looks super in all browsers except Opera...funny - and it is only about the indexpage - the rest is like a charm.

There are a few other issuse as well, it seems like runnig the page thru wc3 is not possible but i have to start here first:)

//regards - Stefan

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