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Invoice not showing payment method info (bankwire, COD)


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Hallo guys,

im trying to find some fix for my not complete invoices. Im on that many hours so hope you save me :)

Im on , using default bankwire and COD module.

Everything works well, email templates are recieved as I need. Only one thing is quite wrong. There is no Payment method described on all of my invoices even there is a text block for that. My customers may choose one of those methods while ordering. Emails goes well, all process is without troubles, but that missing payment method.

I probably went over all possible presta settings and threads but I did not find anyone with solution for this annoying bug. :)



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as its getting even more weird issue, ill try to explain... :)


1) screenshot is taken from payment/delivery method information part of my pdf invoice

First line says:
Payment method - missing payment info on right (there should be COD or bank wire option)

Delivery method - Post

2) screenshot is taken from first sent invoice - in my case its sending PDF invoice in Preparation status and Awaiting bank wire status (those two are send and once)

3) Ive found that missing info is shown just after I chose Delivered payment status  for bankwire and Send status in case of COD.

Both options are wrong - i need to have payment info from begining (as my customer already choose the way of payment). And its weird to send not completed invoice and than change it again after payment delivery of expedition of COD pack.

What I also found is that after I unclicked sending Preparation status to customers (or any other status), im still getting those emails/pdf invoices. I also unclicked setting to not send PDF invoice to customers. Both options changed nothing and its still sending statuses emails with PDF invoice.

I dont understand why its like that. Is there a way to reset (od delete) all statuses and make new ones to try?

*Adding new bug I found - when I unclick invoice sending in case of Preparation status, it stops to send invoices in case of both payment methods.

Edited by Wualah1 (see edit history)
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  • 6 months later...

I got the same problem!

I use only one method of payment it's wirepayment (bank payment)


So when the customer do an order he got the invoice on mail or form site (order page).
And the graph "payment method" is empty! Like at the screenshot sending here before.

How to solve this issue? I chek all the parameters everything is fine, and i dont get it why graph "payment method" is empty??

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

HI, i have the same issue, not solved, even the latest version Prestashop has the error, at the invoice pdf sent by email the Payment method is blank,, empty, for COD and bankwire methods selected by customer... unbelievable ... not solved yet... someone has a custom solution?

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  • 1 year later...

Anyone, did u figure it out? I have exatly same problem. I did try to custom it 

{if $payment->payment_method == "Cash On Delivery "}

<td class="right small"> CashOnDelivery text </td>  <td class="right small">{displayPrice currency=$payment->id_currency price=$payment->amount} </td>

{elseif $payment->payment_method == "GoPay Gateway" }

<td class="right small"> GoPay text </td>  <td class="right small">{displayPrice currency=$payment->id_currency price=$payment->amount} </td>

{elseif $payment->payment_method == "Bank wire" }

<td class="right small"> Bankwire text </td>  <td class="right small">{displayPrice currency=$payment->id_currency price=$payment->amount} </td>


<td class="right small">shoud not display </td>


but did not work.. 


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  • 1 year later...

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