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Prestashop missed the boat!

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About a year ago i offered to build a multipurpose PayPal module that would intergrate all versions of PayPal into a single module, all i wanted in return was to partner with Prestashop which at the time they seemed interested in doing and i even received a few emails about from the Presta team.

On top of that at the time i was being flown by PayPal to innovate 09 in San Francisco which was where PayPal was launching its new API platform PayPalX. In conjunction i was more than happy (as a Prestashop partner) to represent Prestashop at innovate 09, i expressed that at the time in the email contact i had with the team.

however after the initial emails i had no further contact from them.

Today in the news it seems Prestashop has missed the boat with Magento now using the PayPalX APIs! The PayPal Blog

I used to be a fan of Prestashop but it seems they dont like engaging the developer community very well, its a shame because it did have something going for it at one stage but even looking at the new version there is so many things that could be done better to improve the customer experience. It seems most of the releases are bug fixes rather than functional design changes to improve the user experience.

One of the sites i built i actually rebuilt the customer interface to build everything all into one page using JQuery modals. Im in no way the first developer to abandon the prestashop forums, indeed ive seen many that came up with some great modules loose interest because they just dont engage and encourage the developer community in the right ways.

Im not writing this to pick a fight because quite frankly ive got better things to do with several worthwhile projects under way, but rather to bring perspective to the fact that unless they change direction i dont think they will have the developer support its going to need to last and become what it can become.

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For Prestashop to become a truly open source shopping cart, it should open up for community contributions. Presta team should move from developing to managing, and let the developer community suggest and implement features into Prestashop.

I was planning to start a topic on this but I soon won't have the time follow up on it. There were also a few attempts at redesigning Prestashop, but I have not seen more news of them.

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  • 4 months later...
PrestaShop has now released PayPal v2.0... It can be downloaded from the Downloads link at the top of the page.

According to the download link its for Prestashop v 1.2. Will it be available for newer versions of Prestashop or does Paypal v2.0 live in a time warp?
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I think you guys are speaking of :
"These modules need Prestashop v1.2 to be installed. "
Just under the free modules list

It means you need at least Prestashop v1.2 to make those modules work.
so Rocky is right, it's 1.2 and above.

need as in "need Prestashop v1.2 to be installed" does not mean "needs at least." "Needs at least" is what it should say, not what it means.
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I think you guys are speaking of :
"These modules need Prestashop v1.2 to be installed. "
Just under the free modules list

It means you need at least Prestashop v1.2 to make those modules work.
so Rocky is right, it's 1.2 and above.

need as in "need Prestashop v1.2 to be installed" does not mean "needs at least." "Needs at least" is what it should say, not what it means.

No one said their English was the best, that's for sure... ;-)
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