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Module update crashed entire site


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Dear All, does anyone know what to do when a module update crashes the whole site?

Error message for webshop visitors: error 500

Error message when selecting modules on prestashop administration site: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module statsdata:

syntax error, unexpected '['


Can anyone help please as our customers are not able to shop and it's Xmas season

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I've been trough this like 7 times in the last 3 weeks.


Your problem is with your version of PHP. You are with a version << than 5.4.


2 Solutions, I REALLY insist on the first one.

  • Update your PHP version to something over 5.4 (Really, we're at 7.0 now..Your host really got you on a bad version, old) - Get 5.6 and you should be fine. 7.0 is only supported with PS > I think.
  • Quick fix : Fix the problem by changing the array definition on line 108 of statsdata.php from : ['position' => 'bottom', 'priority' => 150]    to   array('position' => 'bottom', 'priority' => 150)

THE QUICK FIX IS TEMPORARY. Once you update, it will comeback if you didn't change your PHP version. CHANGE your PHP version, talk to your Host about it, he'll understand. If you install some new module, somes might use the quick syntax for Array too, putting you in the same situation again.



Edited by Martin Uker K (see edit history)
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