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Invoice PDF text style


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Can you help me? I am trying to edit invoice.tpl file. Everything is fine, but formating is not working as expected in PDF.


For example, ir P.S. 1.7 version a had styling like this: <span style="font-weight: bold">Some content</span>. In 1.7 it is working fine, bet in PS 1.6 this is not working for me. No bold or other formating is working in 1.6. I have tryed to clear the cache but no luck. Coukd you please give me an advice?

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PS 1.7 uses newer version of teh TCPDF library. I'm not sure if you can simply copy it, but try it.


From /vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf to /tools/tcpdf.

Thank you for the response. I tryed to copy TCPDF library from PS 1.7. When creating PDF it gives me an error 500, so this is not the solution. :( 

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