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Help To edit the link at the bottom of the footer (© 2016 - Ecommerce software by PrestaShop™)

D.T Raj

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I would like to edit the link at the bottom of the footer (© 2016 - Ecommerce software by PrestaShop™).

As much as I like to give credit to PrestaShop, it doesn't look as professional as if I put my own company information in this space. I have edited it in previous versions but can't find the correct file or translation in the back office. Can anyone tell me the correct way to change it? Version doesn't have cms block module. So please advice alternative way. Thank you.

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Thank You, Ive use this below method and fixed it. Its more easy.


Go to Advanced Parameters > Performance and change "Never recompile templates" to "Force compile" and then refresh your website and it should disappear. Once you've finished modifying TPL files, you can change it back to "Never recompile templates" for maximum performance.

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