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Prestashop 1.7 $this->l(''); blocks module


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Hello. I'm trying to port my PS1.6 module to PS1.7

My module is blocked by this code line:

class AdminMymoduleController extends ModuleAdminController {
public function __construct() {
    $this->meta_title = $this->l('whatever');

If I remove the $this->l('whatever')


$this->meta_title = 'whatever';

It works.



Has something changed or is this a bug?

Edited by catalin.pop (see edit history)
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Yes. I saw that too. Same effect.


The funny thing is that in the same class I have

    public function initToolBarTitle() {
        $this->toolbar_title[] = $this->l('Toolbar title');

And it's working


did you trying?

$this->trans('whatever', array(), 'Modules.Modulename.Admin')

Read more on: http://developers.prestashop.com/module/05-CreatingAPrestaShop17Module/06-ModuleTranslation.html

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what exactly do you mean by 'blocks module'?  Is there a specific error you are receiving?


Also, in the future do not say 1.7, there are already 6 different versions, so be more specific.


function l still exists in the AdminController class, so you can still use it.  maybe you can't use it on the __construct function

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