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Bestsellers showing only on ../best-sales


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I can display bestsellers only on page ./best-sales but when I want to show them on homepage in tabbed content:

Featured products / New products / Sale / Best sales

Nothing is showing.


Code below is displaying well featured, new products, sale but no bestsellers.

Can you tell where to search, why they are not showing?


It's Prestashop

{if $bestseller}		  
              <div class="tab-pane" id="{$myTab}bestseller">
		{$products=$bestseller} {$tabname="{$myTab}-bestseller"}
	        {include file='./products.tpl'}
Edited by tomikk (see edit history)
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This tabbed widget is combined with the theme. Block bestsellers is hooked to Home, HomeTab and HomeTabContent. Still not showing. I don't know why new products and products on sale display well but bestsellers showing blank space.

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When I look into the files, in block bestsellers I see:

{if isset($best_sellers) && $best_sellers}
{include file="$tpl_dir./product-list.tpl" products=$best_sellers class='blockbestsellers tab-pane' id='blockbestsellers'}

This block displays products on homepage (after hooks).


But for example in theme files, tabbed module there is:

{if $featured}		  
              <div class="tab-pane" id="{$myTab}featured">
					{$products=$featured} {$tabname="{$myTab}-featured"}
					{include file='./products.tpl'}
			  {if $newproducts}		  
              <div class="tab-pane" id="{$myTab}newproducts">
					{$products=$newproducts} {$tabname="{$myTab}-newproducts"}
					{include file='./products.tpl'}
			   {if $special}	
					<div class="tab-pane" id="{$myTab}special">
					{include file='./products.tpl'}
			 {if $bestseller}		  
              <div class="tab-pane" id="{$myTab}bestseller">
					{$products=$bestseller} {$tabname="{$myTab}-bestseller"}
					{include file='./products.tpl'}

All products display as well, only bestsellers are empty... Can you help me where to search to fix it?

I tried to change $bestseller  to $best_sellers according to block bestsellers but with no luck.

Edited by tomikk (see edit history)
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I would appreciate any help with this. How prestashop define bestsellers? In code above what should I check, why there are not displaying bestsellers?

$bestseller? Or maybe ther is something to look in products.tpl (I could not find anything to combine with this)...


There are no bestsales showing in displayHome, but when I attached this module to displayHomeTabContent, there are showing.

Take a look:


Edited by tomikk (see edit history)
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