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Help Paypal Problem

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My frustration is growing with the paypal module.

Paypal works fine when a customer uses a debit/credit card, but when I have a customer that uses an echeck or bank transfer I get a email from paypal recieveing the payment. However, I don't get an email from my backend nor is the order in the orders tab....

This has happened to me 5 times. I have disabled echeck in paypal but bank transfer still goes through.

I have read place that the back end doesn't think the order is "confirmed" and it is pending. Can I change this somehow?

Please help me.

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So you want the order to be marked as "Payment accepted" even if PayPal returns a "Pending" status? What if the PayPal payment is then cancelled?

I think it is the following code in modules/paypal/validation.php that rejects the order if the status isn't "Completed":

elseif ($_POST['payment_status'] != 'Completed')
   $errors .= $paypal->getL('payment').$_POST['payment_status'].'

You could try changing it to:

elseif ($_POST['payment_status'] != 'Completed' AND $_POST['payment_status'] != 'Pending')
   $errors .= $paypal->getL('payment').$_POST['payment_status'].'

Doing that might mark pending PayPal payments as confirmed, though I'm not sure whether it would work.

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It is normal for there to be a delay for eChecks and bank payments. You can't prevent that from happening. What I think should happen is that the order is displayed as "Awaiting PayPal payment" until the eCheck or bank payment clears. When it does, I think the status should change to "Payment accepted" and another email should be sent to you. I suggest that you post a bug report on the bug tracker at the top of the page for the missing products issue and a feature request for sending another email when an eCheck or bank payment clears. Put a link to the feature request in the bug report and hopefully the PrestaShop team will look at it.

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