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Show original product price to customer group with discount.


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I have a special customer group set up, who are entitled to 10% discount on purchases. Is it possible for them to view the original product price similar to how it appears when a discount voucher is added?


eg. £36  £40   10%


Currently, when the customer is logged in, it just shows the reduced price, rather than the original price / percentage saving, so it's not immediately obvious to the customer that their discount is being applied.



Any ideas or workarounds greatly appreciated!

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  • 6 months later...

I have the same question. I need my print brokers to see the retail price, so they know what to charge THEIR customers, but also see their discount on each product. 

I can apply discount per category, for example, print brokers would get 30% off full color business cards.  And yes, of course we have combinations, but the discount remains the same each of the options, no matter how many quantity they choose. 

For example, this whole category gets 30% off, but the print broker MUST see both retail and his wholesale price.



ALSO - How do i create the discounts? Cart rules? Coupons? We created a Reseller group, but the discounts will vary by category. Some things are only 10% off, and some products are half off.


Thank you!

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Are you 100% trade? If so it would be a lot easier.

There is no way to do what you want from PrestaShop without either buying a module or editing code. I'm still of the opinion that the suggestion I gave above will work. I don't have time to test it today but maybe if I remember I'll try it next week.

I'd also suggest doing something about allowing PDF upload. I can't imagine that not causing major issues. You can either buy a file upload module or try to hack the default file upload to allow PDF. There are plenty of modules and a handful of topics on how to do the latter.

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Thank you for your fast reply!  :):D  :D  :D  :D


No, we're 80% direct to the customer, and 20% to the trade. 


We can definitely edit the code, but you said impossible if products have combinations.


(Yes, we can add pdf to allowed uploads. good idea.)

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I didn't say that -- Daresh said that. I haven't looked at it closely but the I edited the right part of the product page to change how quality works and this should be no different.

The price already changes based on combinations so basically to do what you want you'd just need to copy code and add multiplying the variable that stores price by 1.3

Edited by Naldinho (see edit history)
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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
On 9/7/2018 at 4:08 PM, stdeykun said:

In PS 1.7 i did:

{if $product.customer_group_discount > 0}
    <strong>You will pay {$product.customer_group_discount*100}%</strong> less!
    <strong class="regular">{( $product.price_amount/(1-$product.customer_group_discount) )|round:2}$<strong>

Thanks for solution. Great works on 1.7.3 version

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  • 10 months later...
  • 5 months later...
On 9/7/2018 at 3:08 PM, stdeykun said:

In PS 1.7 i did:

{if $product.customer_group_discount > 0}
    <strong>You will pay {$product.customer_group_discount*100}%</strong> less!
    <strong class="regular">{( $product.price_amount/(1-$product.customer_group_discount) )|round:2}$<strong>

Hi! In product details it works great but in category with products an error appears:

Notice: Undefined index: customer_group_discount

Can it be solved?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi All , 

Don't need to edit code , i have used prestashop

- i have 1200 customers with different percentage for example from 3% to 17%

- i have create customer groups with respect to discount for example Customer_Per_3, Customer_Per_4 and so on

- i have assign customer group with respective customers

- Goto Admin Panel - > Catalog-> Discounts -> Catalog Price Rules

- Define Price Rules for each customer group, in my case (from 3% to 17%) total 15 price rules

- Now see the result it will show discount in products listing


if you happy with this solution , please pray for me for the success of this world and the world that comes after death that has never ending 

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  • 1 year later...
On 8/27/2020 at 7:49 AM, Faisal Sharif said:

Hi All , 

Don't need to edit code , i have used prestashop

- i have 1200 customers with different percentage for example from 3% to 17%

- i have create customer groups with respect to discount for example Customer_Per_3, Customer_Per_4 and so on

- i have assign customer group with respective customers

- Goto Admin Panel - > Catalog-> Discounts -> Catalog Price Rules

- Define Price Rules for each customer group, in my case (from 3% to 17%) total 15 price rules

- Now see the result it will show discount in products listing


if you happy with this solution , please pray for me for the success of this world and the world that comes after death that has never ending 

This does not work for me.


I have 10,000+ products, each with a discount % set on CSV upload to all groups.

on our website, visitors and customers will see 10% off RRP for example.

I have a trade group who should get 25% off RRP, but instead they are shown an original price of RRP less 25%, and then a discount of 10% on top of that. I want the catalogue rule to over-ride the original product discount?

Also, the discount is shown to the trade customer as 10% even though they effectively have nearly 35% off in this case.

I want this customer to have 25% off on a "brand". This would be 25% off RRP with no further discount. And I want them to see 25% off RRP flag on product page and category views.

How do we make this work without having to set a group discount per item which I don't think can be done by CSV?

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I use this for product miniature TPL:
{Tools::displayPrice($product.price_without_reduction_without_tax / 100 * (100 + Group::getReductionByIdGroup($customer.id_default_group)))}

And this for product page TPL:
{Tools::displayPrice($product.price_without_reduction_without_tax * (1 + $product.customer_group_discount))}

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On 9/13/2021 at 4:09 PM, jbunning said:

I use this for product miniature TPL:
{Tools::displayPrice($product.price_without_reduction_without_tax / 100 * (100 + Group::getReductionByIdGroup($customer.id_default_group)))}

And this for product page TPL:
{Tools::displayPrice($product.price_without_reduction_without_tax * (1 + $product.customer_group_discount))}

So this shows the group discount but how do you handle actually using the correct discount?

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  • 1 year later...

How we can do for PS 1.7.6 ?
This code is not working if the customer group has a specific price :(

On 9/13/2021 at 6:09 PM, jbunning said:

I use this for product miniature TPL:
{Tools::displayPrice($product.price_without_reduction_without_tax / 100 * (100 + Group::getReductionByIdGroup($customer.id_default_group)))}

And this for product page TPL:
{Tools::displayPrice($product.price_without_reduction_without_tax * (1 + $product.customer_group_discount))}


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  • 1 year later...

Based on the posts by stdeykun and jbunning I did this in Prestashop 8.1 and it is ok:

Product miniature TPL:

{$groupDiscount = Group::getReductionByIdGroup($customer.id_default_group)/100}

{if $groupDiscount > 0}
	<span class="regular-price">{Tools::displayPrice($product.price_amount / (1 - $groupDiscount))}</span>

Product page TPL:

{if $product.customer_group_discount > 0}
<div class="product-discount">
	<span class="regular-price">{Tools::displayPrice( $product.price_amount/(1-$product.customer_group_discount) )}</span>


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