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Can't use any themes besides default.

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So I recently installed and I have the store up and running. I even had my entire catalog complete but when I went to change my theme I had some issues. The theme uploads fine from the browser and installs. It appears as an option but every time I click "Use this theme" all that it does is go to a new page where its blank and my theme never changes.


I even uninstalled the entire store and tried from a fresh install and the same thing happens every time. The URL changes from my domain to the following




Then it just hangs there. What am I doing wrong? Is the store install file corrupt?



UPDATE: I turned on dev mode and got this error when I try and change themes. Fatal error: Redefinition of parameter $id_shop in /homepages/36/d656422575/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/InlandSeasCoffee/modules/tmmegamenu/classes/MegaMenu.php on line 124


Edited by haynesmw (see edit history)
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