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Add ordered products list into the TM4B sms "New order"


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I was trying to add more data from those that are communicated within the notification message "new order" form TM4B. From what I've seen, the module possesses txt models where to insert the names of variables, just like the email notifications. Can you help me with some advices about which file modify and how? Maybe adding the right variable in tm4b.php? I would like to be able to add the list of ordered products. Thank you.

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You'd need to write code like the following in the hookNewOrder function of tm4b.php before the $templateVars:

$productsDetail = $order->getProductsDetail();
$products = "";
foreach ($productsDetail as $product)
  $products .= ($products == "" ? "" : ", ") . $product['product_quantity'] . 'x ' . $product['product_name'];

Then add the following to the $templateVars:

'{products}' => $products,

Then add the following to your sms_new_order.txt files:

Products: {products}

I haven't tested this code, but it should display text like the following in your SMS:

Products: 1x Product One, 1x Product Two

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