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Product combination (timeout)

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Hi everyone,


I cannot work on my products, not on the informations, nor on the combinations. All other tabs works and saving buttons are available, but not on those two.


I've tried to check the conflit between modules, the server settings, took a look at the DB (not all of it), turned the DEV alerts to true, but i still have a timeout warning when i try to edit my products combination, name, price...


Does anyone have an idea that could help me end my week of struggle ?





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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I try to bring back the subject because it is still not solved on my side:

I've tried many things found about this problem but nothing is working.

What's the worst ? I have a duplicate of this site on the same server configuration that works fine... The difference is that it is offline for external users.

Has anyone found a solution ?




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I was turning crazy, the PS version is, i had tried to disable the non-native modules, checked the error logs, connected the test site to the database and saw that the problem was coming from it.  

I checked server logs and found out that something was wrong with the attributes. I checked the combinations tab and it wasn't working anymore. I should have checked all the tabs first, I wouldn't have lost so much time...

So i tried to import the attribute tables of the database used for the shop into the test site and found that the attribute_lang was much to heavy, so it was making the combination tab unable to load and bringing the timeout error.

I do have a special configurator module for my products, as they are tailored to your needs and the attributes are linked to each simulation made. So i cleaned the database table with the only attributes needed for the existing products and TADAAAAM ! Problem solved !!!

Now i'll try to protect the module and the cart from robots to try to reduce the number of products created, so that i won't have to clean the database too often.


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