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[SOLVED] Why my prestashop doesn't send e-mail

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today I try to test send e-mail to sponsor a friend using referral program. But the invitation e-mail won't show up.
After an hour, I try to click button "remind my friend(s)" suddenly I received 2 email ( 1 e-mail that I sent first time n 1 e-mail I got from button "remind my friend(s)" )

n I also try to check other prestashop automatic e-mail such as when the seller change order status to "Delivered", prestashop should be sent a notification email to the buyer, but it also won't show up till now (already 2hours waiting)

I haven't check other e-mail but this 2 cases already made me confuse.

can someone explain to me what happen to my prestashop? I hope I can find solution for this issue

*I'm using prestashop Version

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