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Importing product colors

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I'm working on a big database, so I'm trying to import as much as I can. 

I'm working step by step. First I tried to understand how images importing was made. I understood and created my import file. 


Now I'm trying to add products attributes wich are colors. 

So I created an import file. It's working great, my products have the colors attributes.


But first I realized that colors were added twice: I already had colors in my database, so when I imported the file, it created new colors instead of using the ones that were there.


SO I thought: ok no problem, I'll just remove the colors from the shop, and then I will import the file, it will create the colors. Yes actually, it worked ok, except that it only created the colors names, and not their hexa code values...


Could you tell me if there's a way of importing hexa values as well ?



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FinallyI was able to do the import BUT I'm still facing issues...


I added the colors in prestashop, and then I tried to import: 

When the color is in one word, it's ok: the product is imported correctly. 

But when the color is in 2 words, and when I do the import, the color is treated as a new color, so it's imported as a new color, and then the product has this new color (which is empty because it has no hexadecimal code).


So the problem comes from importing colors that contain spaces in their words.


Any idea od how to do ?

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