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Easy Upgrade steps from 1.1 to 1.2.5

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I have upgraded multiple sites using the following method and thought i should share it with the community. I am not sure this is the best way, but it worked for me over 4 sites.

1) Backup your current files and database (very very very important)

2) Download Prestashop 1.2.5 and unzip

3) Using FTP, transfer files over by overwriting all files and folders from 1.2.5 to your sites directory except the following folders and files:
a) Images (folder)
B) Modules (folder)
c) Config/settings.inc (file)
c) Header.php (file) - incase your current header was modified
d) Footer.php (file) - incase your current footer was modified

4) Images folder - compare folders and transfer with overwrite accordingly

5) Modules folder - Transfer all new modules with overwrite. Modules that you have edited do not transfer the edited files. Editorial module do not transfer the editorial.xml

6) Check CHMOD permissions as per the WIKI

7) Run the installer (by going to yoursite.com/install)

8) Delete the install folder after successful upgrade

9) Delete your old admin folder and rename the new admin folder

10) Log in to new backoffice folder

11) Incase you have a 1.1 theme, goto backoffice/preferences and select 1.1 theme compatability

12) Incase your site is not on the root directory, then change the backoffice/preference psdirectory accordingly

Voila, thats it, you should be good to go. I will be upgrading from 1.2.5 to 1.3 soon and will post my steps after i have successfully completed it.

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Just a quick question...What you did if the database backup have you transferred too also when run the install should be with the upgrade option or it was a new install?

Do you think process will work with a straight to the 1.2.5?

Thanks in advance,

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Hi Crisb,
First off, im not sure about to 1.2.5. But i would go step by step as i know that in each upgrade there are changes made to the database. So unless you are familiar with SQL, i would upgrade from to 1.1 and then to 1.2.5

The database back & the files backup is only as a backup incase something went wrong, i did not use them during my upgrade.


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