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CMS and Block payment logo edition

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My shop is under the PrestaBox service, not on a self owned web server.
I tried a couple of time to contact the technical support staff regarding the following problem, but have not receiced any answers yet.

I've deleted, unfortunately, the CMS page #5 from my shop before adding the "Block payment logo v.0.1" that point to it.

I tried to add a new CMS which took automatically the #6 page and I cannot change it to a #5 reference or modify the module to make it point to this new #6 CMS page.

I took into the "Live Theme Edition" and "Theme edition" but found nothing regarding how to HTML edit the module, just the pictures and styles associated to it.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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I don't know how this works with PrestaBox, but are you able to FTP the server? Can you access the files for your Prestashop setup?

I'm asking because as far as I know there is no way to change the link in the BO... I modified my Block Payment Logo module to add a few logos, and when I did this I also changed some of the links to the various credit card logos. Its quite simple, but you need access to the tpl file of the Block Payment Logo module (/Modules/BlockPayment).

Once you gain access you just edit the link(s) to reflect the new CMS page number.

Hope this helps.

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