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How to enable Advanced Stock Management in Presta 1.7?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Any idea in what release?

And when this release will come out.


We are now at and it is not in there yet.


Reason I ask is that I am helping a friend out with his store and he is running now and we want to go to 1.7.x.x because there are a lot of features easier in there. especially on the product part.


Till that time advanced stock management is there we cannot upgrade to 1.7.x.x

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  • 1 month later...

I don't understand how a company such Prestashop can release a new version of its so used all over the world CMS designed for merchant websites without any advanced stock management. Do the Ford corporation will sell a new version of the Mustang car without any steering wheel, and drivers have to stop its vehicule, going down for manually turning wheel at each curve ?


Every night, should we have to update manually or directly in database quantities of hundreds or thousands products ?

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  • 9 months later...
  On 10/16/2017 at 3:22 AM, menschlabor said:



Have a look at this post about the new stock management in 1.7.2




Thanks for the answer.

This helps us enough.

Issue was that you look for advanced stock management in the product stock settings as before and because you cannot find it you assume there is nothing there.



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  • 11 months later...

I'm using PrestaShop and unfortunatelly even if I did go to:

Catalog -> Stock

advanced stock management is not enabled at least I'm getting this information on products combinations import.

I'm uplading a file and one of the column is Advanced Stock Management with is set to 1.

But when I'm importing this file I get info that:

Advanced stock management is not enabled, cannot enable on product with id 1.


I have also set: Preferences -> Products -> Enable stock Management


Do You have any solution, is there any change in ?



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  • 2 months later...

I got to build most of the website before i realized this function is not available with Prestashop 1.7.x. 

Prestashop 1.7.5 RC version is out and still no advanced stock management, i don't get how they want to migrate their customers that were using 1.6 with ASM if they didn't include it in this version. 

The fact that are modules available for this don't suit my needs, i'm using Store Manager to update the website and it can only connect to Prestashop's native database, not purchased modules databases.  


So....crap. Prestashop, you're to greedy and you just lost a customer. I'm looking for other ecommerce platforms, so will others. 

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asm in 1.6 'barely' worked.  it was certainly flawed in how it picked the warehouse (most sales or some other odd criteria) as opposed to proximity.  The problem really is that writing a robust appl in PS  is very difficult and we hope anyway we  see move away from one-off PS solutions that are buggy to 3rd party integration solution.  However the base stock management in 1.7 is much improved over previous releases but if that still has open bug reports it will be difficult to base an asm until sorted.  But for asm to be really useful then proximity to warehouse is required.

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  • 2 months later...

  On 3/3/2019 at 3:19 AM, TCS said:



Is there  way update products using bulk uploads and add to the quantity. Say (+100) or (-100) in order to avoid making changes item by item.




You can do import of the products by using the product ID of the product and the Quantity you want to use.

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