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how to export products from sql (for dummies)


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My site is shot, Gone, history, no reviving. I have comes to terms with my lost and I am coming out of the 5 stages of grief. 


I still have my database intact. But I can not figure out how to export just the products and import them into csv file under new site. 


I see stuff like this 



but it does not seem to work for me (I know, I know, operator malfunction) I only check ps_products but when I switch to edit it does not look the same as the link above


I also see other threads with code in it, but I have no idea how to plug the code in to myphpadmin


If I can pull my products out (many many many) with all the shipping information, cost, pictures and so on, I might (just might) be able to sleep at night. So please, for my sanity, PLEASE help me do this. My next option is paying someone a lot of money to do what I told a guy I would do for free (yes, me paying, I screwed it up and I take the blame)  


I forgot to mention, I can not grab the files in prestashop, I have to go to myphpadmin



Is this crazy, or can not copy/paste my whole database in the myphpadmin?

Edited by rwinnovation (see edit history)
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