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Image blurry on website, but not in Theme Configurator

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I have set .jpg compression to 100 and .png compression to 0.

Somehow a new banner that I just uploaded shows as slightly blurry on the actual website. However, if I look in the Theme Configurator the image looks flawless. Also, when I right click the blurry image from my site and then click view image, the image then pops up in a new window looking good again?

Why is this image seeming to be fine everywhere else, even when viewing the image in a new window, but on the actual website it appears blurry? If you compare from the actual front page of website to the second link, there is slight degradation in quality. You can notice it if you look at the letters. On the actual store it looks slightly worse, yet if you view the second link it appears as intended.

I am using current and updated prestashop version.
The image can be seen at:
I am referring to the banner below that shows "Send us a text for the fastest response to any questions you may have".

But then when I view that same image after right clicking and viewing image, it appears perfect as it does in the theme configurator. You can view the image here:

Edited by Secret Cloud (see edit history)
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Mind boggling. I have tried everything over the last few hours. Reuploaded in various formats, nothing seems to be working. It always appears the same on the actual website, yet if you download that image from the front page of website even that downloaded file looks as it should.

Why is this image ONLY appearing slightly blurry on the front page of website???

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Still stumped. Anyone have a clue?

Still seeing the image as slightly blurry on home page, but the actual file itself downloads as perfectly clear, and also appears perfect in the Theme Configurator.
In Theme Configurator I have it set to the default of 777 x 142.

The odd thing is that it appears that it's just the center of the image when viewing the home page, but not the actual file in Theme Configurator or if I click and "view image" in firefox.

So weird. Why is the middle of the image slightly blurry on the actual website home page only?

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