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Strange justified alignment in delivery slips with tcpdf

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I'm using tcpdf instead of fpdf because of the need of diacritics.
The invoice looks fine, but the delivery slip has a strange alignment for product name - justified from left to right, pls. see attachment.
version 1.2.5

Any ideea what or where to change this ?

Thank you,


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in classes/PDF.php try to add align attribute ('L') - replace one line (around line 652):

$this->MultiCell($w[++$i], 5, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $product['product_name']), 'B');


$this->MultiCell($w[++$i], 5, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $product['product_name']), 'B', 'L');

It worked for me. I see also line with product name around line 636, you can check also there.

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in classes/PDF.php try to add align attribute ('L') - replace one line (around line 652):

$this->MultiCell($w[++$i], 5, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $product['product_name']), 'B');


$this->MultiCell($w[++$i], 5, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $product['product_name']), 'B', 'L');

It worked for me. I see also line with product name around line 636, you can check also there.


Excellent Answer!!

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