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Root category deleted by mistake


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I was making some import tests because I have a huge catalog to import, so first I tried to import categories. 

I did it several times and at the end I chose to delete everything to start with something clean. 

At some point, I also deleted rows in the database and now I have a big error message when clicking on the product tab:



Root category must be an integer value
at line 212 in file classes/helper/HelperTreeCategories.php


Anyone could help me please ? I wouldn't like to start everything from scratch.


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You can re-import your categories with the root and home categories. For example, make sure the following columns have the following values:


ID;Name;Parent category;Root category (0/1)



3;Your Category;2;0


Make sure all your main categories have 2 as the parent category.

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I did as you said and it's not quite ok with categories... The root category appears in the sitemap, below the litlle house icon. 

And I still have the error when I click on Catalog / products.

I had deleted all the records in the products table, I guess I deleted too much.

I installed another prestashop to compare the tables, but it's not very easy. 

Categories table look the same, I don't understand why I don't have the same result

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  • 1 year later...

I had a similar problem on PrestaShop where I accidentally deleted the Home category.

I tried CSV import but it didn't work for me so I manually edited the SQL tables and now it seems to be working.

These are the three SQL tables that I edited:
1) ps_category
2) ps_category_lang
3) ps_category_shop


I've attached the screenshots of these three tables with no additional user defined categories. The two categories present in the tables are Root and Home with are default.





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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Just wanted to thank User17745 - copying your settings also saved me!

Also a further note - seems like the root category has to be 1 and the home category has to be 2. I tried to use 99999 and 100000 (the categories I'm importing in start from ID 1 so I was trying to work around this to stop them overwriting) but it didn't work.


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