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Modules and services are inaccessible

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Hello, I have a local installation v1.7.0.0 RC3 (XAMPP). Modules and services are inaccessible, I get the message "Cannot get catalog data, please try again later. Reason: Data from PrestaShop Addons is invalid, and cannot fallback on cache". In the browser is site PrestaShop Addons accessible. Tested in Firefox 49.0.2, Chrome 54.0.2840.71 and MSIE 11.

Radek Tůma

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I've encountered the same issue. I fixed it by changing line 117 of app/config/config.yml from:
            verify_ssl: ~ # true by default, declaring "addons.api_client.verify_ssl" parameter overrides its usage


            verify_ssl: false # true by default, declaring "addons.api_client.verify_ssl" parameter overrides its usage
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  • 3 weeks later...

I had the same issue twice, my solution was download the file https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem and save into /app/cache/prod/. The problem exist because if the production cache is deleted then the file cacert.pem is deleted too.


I check in https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/6848/files and in my offline copy that file classes/Tools.php have the constant declaration:

const CACERT_LOCATION = 'https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem';

and that file must exist in:


as you can see in this global definition:

define('_PS_CACHE_CA_CERT_FILE_', _PS_CACHE_DIR_.'cacert.pem')

so, I chek if the file cacert.pem exist in production cache and it was deleted...



I hope this help.

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that solved my Problem, thanks :)

  On 11/24/2016 at 9:53 PM, mrbrazzi said:

I had the same issue twice, my solution was download the file https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem and save into /app/cache/prod/. The problem exist because if the production cache is deleted then the file cacert.pem is deleted too.


I check in https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/6848/files and in my offline copy that file classes/Tools.php have the constant declaration:

const CACERT_LOCATION = 'https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem';

and that file must exist in:


as you can see in this global definition:

define('_PS_CACHE_CA_CERT_FILE_', _PS_CACHE_DIR_.'cacert.pem')

so, I chek if the file cacert.pem exist in production cache and it was deleted...



I hope this help.

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I would like to edit the link at the bottom of the footer (© 2016 - Ecommerce software by PrestaShop™).

As much as I like to give credit to PrestaShop, it doesn't look as professional as if I put my own company information in this space. I have edited it in previous versions but can't find the correct file or translation in the back office. Can anyone tell me the correct way to change it? Version doesn't have cms block module. So please advice alternative way. Thank you.

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Go to Advanced Parameters > Performance and change "Never recompile templates" to "Force compile" and then refresh your website and it should disappear. Once you've finished modifying TPL files, you can change it back to "Never recompile templates" for maximum performance.

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  • 1 month later...

Im new with prestashop, and i dont know if this solution is good or not, but i solved doing this:


Take this file: public_html/vendor/composer/ca-bundle/res/cacert.pem

And copy to: public_html/app/cache/prod/cacert.pem


If some one see that this solution is wrong or dangerous say us 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/7/2017 at 8:54 PM, tali656 said:

Im new with prestashop, and i dont know if this solution is good or not, but i solved doing this:


Take this file: public_html/vendor/composer/ca-bundle/res/cacert.pem

And copy to: public_html/app/cache/prod/cacert.pem


If some one see that this solution is wrong or dangerous say us 


I experienced this issue after upgrading to (from and this worked. Thank you!

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I try the method with replace "cacert.pem" file and add var on two file Tool.php and config.inc.php but it didn't work


Also the is a problem with this link :


This is a 500 error


It is really a pity that it does not work at once...


Do you have a solution for PrestaShop



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I think it comes from the configuration of your Apache server in php.ini
I am on Macos X with Xampp I have the same issue and in me Web Server OVH it's the same to
I tried bitnami-prestashop- and there it's OK the Module Link in backend work properly. 
I think it would come from the cache with extension=php_apc.dll and extension = intl.so but it's very difficult to add this extension on local Xampp server and it's impossible to me web server.

Edited by Salisuka (see edit history)
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might be the settings of apache/php but I'm really puzzled to understand why it was working the first day right after I installed it. I haven't changed any settings though.

also I can not connect to addons marketpace from there (module selection page) as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All

So, I have got the same message:

"Cannot get catalog data, please try again later. Reason: Data from PrestaShop Addons is invalid, and cannot fallback on cache"


Any solution for that ? I tried all the comments mentionned above but ... nothig work for me !



Thanks for your support

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"Cannot get catalog data, please try again later. Reason: Data from PrestaShop Addons is invalid, and cannot fallback on cache"

I'm also experiencing this problem on my localhost MAMP PRO server (PHP 5.6.27, Prestashop


My online test e-shops work well, never had problems there. (using SSL and also non-SSL)

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Hello All


Solution is so easy... it is on server side

Actually, problem comes if CURL service is not activated in your server

It is related to php version, As I know starting from php 5.6.21 support CURL

Anyhow, solution is 100% server side... contact your hosting and ask how to activate CURL


Enjoy one again



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Edit @ Bassel


Have just asked our hosting to double check if the Curl is active or not and to activate it if not - will write back here what the out come is and hopefully shortly...


next edit some 20 min later


OK - we have CURL already fully installed and active - this did not resolve the issue


post as written below still un-solved  :(


Edit at 13.42 - used prestashop online chat - told to contact programmes and then chat was cut.


Also on the phone - its says 4 min wait - its now 11 min and ext 590 is now unavailable and and answer phone followed by termination of call


Super customer support from Prestashop eh!!




I have just spent 12 hours loading this nice new 1.70 PS which was freshly downloaded on the 1st Feb 2017


for our domain mdrdirect.co.uk


Having spent some time puting in various data - I moved to the modules section


and guess what ........   was greeted by this


Cannot get catalog data, please try again later. Reason: Data from PrestaShop Addons is invalid, and cannot fallback on cache


As I can see this issue seems to be dating back a bit now having found this post after the event of loading 1.7



Is there a simple fix ?


Why has the prestashop team not resolved this


and the most important part of all - why has the prestashop team continued to allow this version to be downloaded from their site.


and finally should I delete it all and revert back to 1.6



Any help on this issue is most welcome


Many thanks



Edited by KGI (see edit history)
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  On 2/2/2017 at 11:56 AM, Bassel said:

Hi dear 

as I mentionned above this problem comes if CURL service is not activated in your server... refer to your hosting service and ask for CURL activation

You are wrong, stop spreading invalid information.  The previous user already stated that Curl is activated

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Hi again

I dont spread invalid infos,

This instruction I got directly from Prestashop technical team in Paris.... I tried it and It works ... at least works in my case ... so if it didn't work for another case I am sorry for him.

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  On 1/31/2017 at 2:45 PM, Bassel said:

Hello All


Solution is so easy... it is on server side

Actually, problem comes if CURL service is not activated in your server

It is related to php version, As I know starting from php 5.6.21 support CURL

Anyhow, solution is 100% server side... contact your hosting and ask how to activate CURL


Enjoy one again



Long story short: I sent this advice to one of my customers who had the same issue and IT SOLVED THE PROBLEM


As I read the posts above: maybe it's not working in all cases, but it's definitely something to consider and to check.


Thank you Bassel.

Edited by Andrej Stas (see edit history)
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Hello, one more detail that might help.


It is not enough just to have CURL installed you must have an updated version.


I have already had problems with this, and checking the logs I found the following entry that caused the problem: cURL error 35: error: 14077410: SSL routines: SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO: sslv3 alert handshake failure


This "handshake" error in my case was for using an outdated version of CURL (7.21.0)


I requested to upgrade to my service provider for (7.52.0) and everything worked normally.


Here is the list of CURL versions


To check which version you have installed

By command line: $ curl -V

Or PHP with the famous phpinfo ();

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What to do? I cant configure the default module; heres the error message:


[PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/home4/reflect988/public_html/modules/blockreassurance/blockreassurance.php:
Interface 'PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Module\WidgetInterface' not found

Edited by Ginnova (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  On 11/24/2016 at 9:53 PM, mrbrazzi said:

I had the same issue twice, my solution was download the file https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem and save into /app/cache/prod/. The problem exist because if the production cache is deleted then the file cacert.pem is deleted too.


I check in https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/6848/files and in my offline copy that file classes/Tools.php have the constant declaration:

const CACERT_LOCATION = 'https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem';

and that file must exist in:


as you can see in this global definition:

define('_PS_CACHE_CA_CERT_FILE_', _PS_CACHE_DIR_.'cacert.pem')

so, I chek if the file cacert.pem exist in production cache and it was deleted...



I hope this help.



como se hace esto que pones aqui, no se como modificar estos parametros.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/7/2017 at 11:37 AM, payetonju said:

I solved the problem when i changed my PHP configuration, CURL must be active too. (my configuration is an OVH Server)


I worked with PHP 5.6 Legacy, i changed by PHP 5.6 Stable, with CURL 7.38.0n and everything is working now :)

Oui ça marche très bien.

passer en PhP 5.6 stable corrige le bug.



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I have also run into this problem:


Modules & Services > Modules > Selection - Gives the following error:


Cannot get catalog data, please try again later. Reason: Data from PrestaShop Addons is invalid, and cannot fallback on cache
Modules & Services > Modules > Installed Modules - (with php debugging enabled) - gives me two errors + stack traces:
ConnectException in CurlFactory.php line 126: cURL error 28: Resolving timed out after 5515 milliseconds
ConnectException in RequestException.php line 49: cURL error 28: Resolving timed out after 5515 milliseconds
In Both errors are curl was requesting:
I have tried curling this URL from the command line and it returns without a timeout.
I have tried solutions already mentioned as follows:
1. Copying https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem im /app/cache/dev and /app/cahce/prod which was already present so copied over the top just to be sure
2. Deleting app/cache and having it recreate (checked cacert.pem was present) - Permissions on these files were correct
3. Restarting apache / server
4. Disabling none prestashop modules and overrides
5. set verify_ssl: false in app/config/config.yml
None of the above have any effect. The site was running fine until this started happening. I don't have anything specific that I was doing that seem to have caused it. I did install the gmerchent module shortly before this error occurred but I cant say it is related (I tried removing this modules folder and Disabling none Prestashop modules just in case) My dev version on my local machine still works fine.
Apache: 2.4.18
PHP 5.6.30-10+deb.sury.org~xenial+2
curl 7.47.0 - enabled
Any ideas or solutions would be greatly appreciated as I am running out of options bar trying a full reinstall. I really don't want to have to do that.
Edited by hygap (see edit history)
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  On 2/7/2017 at 11:37 AM, payetonju said:

I solved the problem when i changed my PHP configuration, CURL must be active too. (my configuration is an OVH Server)


I worked with PHP 5.6 Legacy, i changed by PHP 5.6 Stable, with CURL 7.38.0n and everything is working now :)

thanks a lot, for this solution, it works,



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For me no solution mentionned are working, on order to open the module page I use a small trick, it's not professionnal but I have no choice.


http://ristime.blogspot.com/2017/05/probleme-prestashop-17-page-module.html  it's in French


basically, just need to replace one word by another in the url so we can reach the page of the installed module


I replace the word "catalog" by the word "manage" to reach directly the page

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  • 1 month later...
  On 5/14/2017 at 2:37 AM, laurent0071 said:

For me no solution mentionned are working, on order to open the module page I use a small trick, it's not professionnal but I have no choice.


http://ristime.blogspot.com/2017/05/probleme-prestashop-17-page-module.html  it's in French


basically, just need to replace one word by another in the url so we can reach the page of the installed module


I replace the word "catalog" by the word "manage" to reach directly the page

I tried this but the url is already "manage" and not catalog.

Did anyone get this resolved in a way that will not be affected by upgrades?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, from 2 months I've the same problem in the modules manager:


Cannot get catalog data, please try again later. Reason: Data from PrestaShop Addons is invalid, and cannot fallback on cache.


I've tried both of the proposed solution (first download "cacert.pem" file and paste into my ftp - second verify and change the line code of "app/config/config.yml") but they don't work.


Please could somebody give me any tips about to solve finally this problem?


Thanks in advance, best regards



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  On 1/7/2017 at 8:54 PM, tali656 said:

Im new with prestashop, and i dont know if this solution is good or not, but i solved doing this:


Take this file: public_html/vendor/composer/ca-bundle/res/cacert.pem

And copy to: public_html/app/cache/prod/cacert.pem


If some one see that this solution is wrong or dangerous say us 


This worked for me! Thanks!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I found the solution and it worked for me,

Scan your Home directory with virus scanner in Cpanel or ask your web-hosting provider to do this for you.

you will find an infected file in the home directory

public_html/admin/autoupgrade/latest/install/langs/fr/flag.jpg: SiteLock-BIN-TROJAN

Clean this file and issue will be fix.


Note: Must Scan Home Directory in order to find the right infected file.


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