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Make Logo background transparent..I can't get it to work!


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I would like to make the logo transparent so you see the water and not a white box! I have created several logos in Word, Gimp, online, and others. I have configured ALL of then to have a transparent background but when I upload them for the site logo, they always have a white background. I was hoping to get white letters with the water in the background. 


I have tried making the logo in jpeg, gif, and png with no success.

Any advice would be appreciated. 

Thank you



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PrestaShop doesn't support transparent logos, so you'll need to modify header.tpl to do it. Change line 107 (in PrestaShop v1.6.1.7) of themes/<your_theme>/header.tpl from:

										<img class="logo img-responsive" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{if isset($logo_image_width) && $logo_image_width} width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if}{if isset($logo_image_height) && $logo_image_height} height="{$logo_image_height}"{/if}/>


										<img class="logo img-responsive" src="{*{$logo_url}*}{$img_ps_dir}logo.png" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{*{if isset($logo_image_width) && $logo_image_width} width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if}{if isset($logo_image_height) && $logo_image_height} height="{$logo_image_height}"{/if}*}/>

You can then save your transparent PNG to img/logo.png on your server. It's also a good idea to add width= and height= values in the above code to match the size of your image, though it should still work without them.

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OK...I changed line 107 and pasted in the string you provided. I then went to preferences --> themes and uploaded the .png file. Now I get a white box with a "?" in it.

I must have goofed somewhere. What am I missing?


The logo that is displayed was made in Word. When I created it, I formatted the file to have a transparent background.



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