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How to add custom code to header which will show just in shopping cart (OPC)

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I would like to change the header of one page checkout (shopping cart/checkout page). I would like to let there just the logo and the rest I would like to change. I can unhook the modules that are there, but how to add there that new content I want?


Thanks for help,



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Hello rocky and thanks for your answer I have the great OPC module from Peter Sliacky http://www.canin.sk/prestashop/presta-modules/24-one-page-checkout.html and the url looks like /index.php?controller=order-opc


So by your help I will unhook all modules from display top from order-opc (done and working) and now I will just need to insert the code

{if $page_name == 'order-opc'}
One-page checkout header code goes here

into the header into the place where the header modules appeared, so in my case between the tag

<div id="sticky_top" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-8"></div>

So it will show only in order-opc, is that code right? I guess it need some ending? And wont it be better to insert there an external file load with the content of header, so it wont slows all other pages except the order-opc, where it will be in the source code?


Thank you for answer and wish u a great day! ;)



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