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can prestashop handle multi vendor


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hi all

now i want to create a new site mutli vendor

the start number is about 500 vendor and 900,000 product

can prestashop handle all this ?

also i need an android and ios apps for site

some recommend magento and other uni commerce they have there own app on android,ios and windows

what do you recommend

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First of all, thanks @NemoPS for mentioning our modules.



PrestaShop original version does not support multiple sellers/vendors. But with our Agile Multiple Seller/vendor module, you can easily turn your PrestaShop into a multiple seller/vendor platform (or a marketplace). You can also find more details and ask questions in this forum topics





though I am not positive it would handle so many sellers




I do not think there is an issue with 500 vendors, but I am not sure about 900,000 products. It will be depends on your server environment and PrestaShop itself.


We had an issue with very old version of the module, when the number of vendors/seller increase  .htaccess becomes bigger and affect the performance of the store, but this issue has been fixed. So number of vendors should not be a problem.


feel free to ask questions to [email protected] or post to related forum topic mentioned above.

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thank you gays for help it would be cool but now i face a problem with mobile apps it would be a big issue for me 



We do not have any mobile apps that can support multiple seller/vendor environment.
Not sure mobile apps are you using and what is the problem?
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I think our multiple seller/vendor module and its accessory modules are the best modules for PrestaShop based online marketplace.

It has many accessory to meet your different business requirement need, it is very flexible. It has been used in many website all over the world. You can find some of our client's websites at our showcase corner, check URL below.



PrestaShop CMS is very powerful, it is give by default by PrestaShop.


PrestaShop and our modules support response theme design, it support all mobile devices.

but we do not have mobile app yet for marketplace environment. we can discuss further to implement one if it is necessary. 

Please contact us at [email protected] for further discussion if you are interested.

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