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Update value after processSave function in module

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I would like to update a column after I have add a new line in my module table(with module form) and don't really know how to do it.


The thing is that in my processSave I create an other object with an Api and I would like to add my object ID in a column of my module table by updating the new line I just added via my module form.


I dont know If I'm really clear.

Dont hesitate to ask question to understand.


Thanks in advance for any help,


Edit ---


Well I htink I need to use function postProcess instead of adding code at the end of processSave().
However, can you please help me getting value of submitted form ?


Thanks !


Edit ---


After some tests, I figured out that postProcess function seems to be executed before the insert in the database...

Edited by Skumbabs (see edit history)
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