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Missing state in Store address on Our Stores page

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Our store address is correctly listed in Preferences / Store Contacts.  However, the "Store address" on the Our Stores page, using the simplified store locator (no map), does not show the state (US).  The street, city, and zip code are there; the state is missing.


Any suggestion on how to fix this?




  PrestaShop v1.6.1.7


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Checking Localization / Countries... Countries that are enabled include the United States, United Kingdom, France, etc.

For the address format, it shows by default...


firstname lastname
address1 address2
city, State:name postcode


Is there something I should alter?

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Looks fine to me. Maybe your theme has hardcoded the address format? Here's what I have in themes/default-bootstrap/stores.tpl:

		            <td class="address">
		            {assign value=$store.id_store var="id_store"}
		            {foreach from=$addresses_formated.$id_store.ordered name=adr_loop item=pattern}
	                    {assign var=addressKey value=" "|explode:$pattern}
	                    {foreach from=$addressKey item=key name="word_loop"}
	                        <span {if isset($addresses_style[$key])} class="{$addresses_style[$key]}"{/if}>
						{if $store.phone}<br/>{l s='Phone:'} {$store.phone|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}
						{if $store.fax}<br/>{l s='Fax:'} {$store.fax|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}
						{if $store.email}<br/>{l s='Email:'} {$store.email|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}
						{if $store.note}<br/><br/>{$store.note|escape:'html':'UTF-8'|nl2br}{/if}

It goes through the address format as configured on the Localization > Countries tab and then adds the phone, fax, email and note.


Also, make sure you've entered the states in the addresses listed at the top of the Preferences > Store Contacts page, not just at the bottom of the page.

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The default code in themes/default-bootstrap/stores.tpl is the same as in the custom theme I'm using.


The state is displayed correctly in the two place on the Preferences / Store Contacts page, the first section (ID) and in the lower "Contact Details" section.


The only possibly odd thing I notice is that when I first go the Preference / Store Contacts page and edit the store ID, there is a slight delay in the state showing up.  Yet, it is correct.


I suppose I could hard-code the state into stores.tpl.  We only have one store.

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I've "Clear cache" several times as we are still building our site.  The street, city, a space where the state should be, and then the zip code is displayed.  Strange.


I looked at hard-coding the state in stores.tpl but I'm now not sure I can do only the state.  I think it might require hard-coding the complete address.


- Scott

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