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One store, multiple domains

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Currently I have multiple domains, let's say mystore.com and mystore.nl. mystore.com is an alias of mystore.nl so they have the same website. I want to manage both domains with one backoffice and when you go to mystore.com you should stay on mystore.com and when you go to mystore.nl you should stay in mystore.nl. Mystore.nl and mystore.com share the same products, stock, etc.

I have read a lot about multistore and checked the criteria mentioned here: http://doc.prestashop.com/m/mobile.action#page/20578561

However I do not meet these criteria for multistore. Should I use multistore or are there other options? I tried without multistore but this causes are redirect from mystore.com to mystore.nl


Looking forward to you answer!

Edited by dirkie76 (see edit history)
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Hi, well I got pretty excited to see your post as I have much interest in multiplexing single content across multiple domains.


The criteria from PrestaShop for use of native MultiShop while it may not see to cover your usage, it in fact works well for your scenario.


There is 'one' other alternative to native PrestaShop, PrestaHeroes Module MultiShop Pro. This is for shops that are using a one gTLD (.com) and multiple ccTLD's (.de/.nl/etc).


With module you can add domains, configure their important configuration defaults (lang/country) and much more that distinguishes one shop from another.  Very simple configuration and provides a much faster multishop than native.


Please check it out and see back office demo.

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