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Two domains one webshop

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Hi all,


I got a simple question I have two domains eq product.com and product.nl

I want both domains to go to the product.nl website and when you type product.com that the url domain don't change to product.nl but stays at product.com


How can set this up network or prestashop wise?




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what are the advantages of the pro multishop instead of the native multishop?


Thanks for question, please also review the product detail.


I suppose the main advantage is 1) speed, native PS multishop is heavy, with our work there is no performance impact 2) easy to use, install use modern configuration to define addtional shop(s)  3) compatible with 'all' other parts of your shop,  theme and modules, we often run into issues with themes/modules that were not well tested in a native PS MS.


To be very honest, I know both native PS and ideas of multiplexing a shop across multiple countries or zones.  I've worked in this area for many years here on PS, my mutlishop pro module was written for 1.4 and I retrofitted to 1.5/1.6 because clients wanted to share their shop content in multiple domains without compatibility issues and no performance impact.  Also please know this is not my 'best' seller, it's work I am proud because for many it enables them to simply use multiple domains in a cool way.


Happy day, el

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