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Upgrade - new theme - changes

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Hi Guys


I have a site which isn't converting customers very well.  I am addressing product prices, images and description to help with that.


But I am aware that I am running version 1.6.09 and using the default theme, with a few "hacks" and I'd like to purchase a new premium theme to sort out some of the "hacks" and also improve the customer experience.


My questions:


1) Should I upgrade to the latest version then apply the chosen theme or apply a theme then upgrade?


2) Would I be better exporting everything and starting fresh?  


3) Can anyone recommend a killer theme from a conversion point of view?


If you want to take a quick look at our site, www.gustodirect.co.uk 


Thanks guys



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Hey max...


there is a process to accomplish this


first thing is to create a test copy of your production shop.  back that up so you can restore as needed during the process.


Theme, I get a lot of push back on recommending Leo Themes, but if you want a full feature front office with kick ass tools, that is my recommend.



on your test shop, run autoupgrade to 1617 (current stable)...it's great version

once you have that sorted...

then you can begin the fun part, installing configuring a rocking front office.

again here on your test machine you can figure out the scope and make/have a plan to do the bo/fo upgrades, then when rock solid you can move this into production....


it's a lot of fun and a great learning experience....focus on 'above the fold', i.e. when visitor clicks on any page, they get what they want, 72% of people will not even scroll...lol

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also theme template, most support install of theme with demo data, these are standalone test platforms...so you build separate from your test build..then you can use that to see how the theme tools are used to present demo data, then you can apply techniques to your test build that has your catalog.

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