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[Solved] Homepage Loading Speed

Rich Walker

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Hi People

I've been trying to speed up the homepage loading time on my prestashop. At the moment it takes 11.2 sec's to load the homepage. Once you’re on the website navigating to other pages on the site loads really quickly.
I've added the following to my .htaccess file, which enables compression.

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css application/js application/javascript 

   ExpiresActive On
   ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"

Can anyone recommend trying anything else?



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I suggest minifying your global.css into global.min.css and linking to it instead of global.css, and packing your JS into separate files like product.pack.js. Doing this reducing the initial load time of your website.

Another thing you can do is combine your images into CSS sprites. Downloading one big image is faster than downloading many small images, since there is less overhead. It is best to wait until you've finalised your design before doing this.

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Wow! That's interesting! I can't wait to give that a try... Our site loads relatively fast, but not 2.5 seconds fast.

What does the data mining for statistics actually do? If I wanted to keep tabs on my site, isn't this a necessary module?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Joachum, well, images and text changed their position.
A specific tutorial for prestashop users would be very useful. Many users have problems with slow loading pages.

Thanks in advance!


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