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[SOLVED]error trying to import customer

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Hi everybody!

while trying to import a .CSV file with customer information I got this error, coud someone point me what could be the reason of this and possible how to solve this.

Thanks !



this is the error :

Notice: Undefined variable: langFieldError in /var/www/vhosts/companyname.jp/httpdocs/store/escritorio/tabs/AdminImport.php on line 828

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Hi, I realized that the birthday field in my CSV file was incorrect dd-mm-yyyy and it must be yyyy-mm-dd, that solved the Notice message, but after I tried again the import process I got theses messages

104 errors
1. [email protected] (ID 10) cannot be saved
2. Duplicate entry '9-1' for key 1
3. Aline (ID 103) cannot be saved
4. Duplicate entry '102-1' for key 1
5. [email protected] (ID 112) cannot be saved
6. Duplicate entry '111-1' for key 1
7. [email protected] (ID 124) cannot be saved
8. Duplicate entry '123-1' for key 1.........

the duplicate key error comes from the AdminImport class where the customerImport method has this message sent to a customer instance
.... $customer->addGroups(array(1));
the thing is that right before this message in the customerImport method there is a $customer->add() message , well in the Customer class, in the implementation of the add() method there is this code:
$row = array('id_customer' => intval($this->id), 'id_group' => 1);
rtturn Db::getInstance()->AutoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_.'customer_group', $row, 'INSERT');
I think it is trying to insert two times the seme row in the customer_group table.

commentin the $customer->addGroups(array(1)) in AdminImport::customerImport method I bypasses the duplicate entry error, but I cannot find the reason for the other messages, is there any way to get more detailed error messages from prestashop.
thanks again


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It sounds like a bug in the customer import. You should report it to the bug tracker.

You can try changing '_PS_DEBUG_SQL_' at the top of config.inc.php from 'false' to 'true'. That might give you more detailed error messages.

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well I think i found the root of my problem, the fact is that the customer data i am trying to import has some characters especific to the portuguese language like these : Ç , Â , ã , etc, thus every row that contains one of these is failing to insert, any idea how to solve this, my schema was created with utf8_general_ci and all tables in it.

thanks in advance.

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What version of PrestaShop are you using? PrestaShop v1.2.5 requires you to save the file as UTF-8. If that isn't working, I'm not sure how to help. In PrestaShop v1.3, the encoding scheme was changed to specific locales, iso-8859-1 encoded file by default. It looks like Portuguese is included in iso-8859-1.

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I am using PS, the file was exported from an excell documment as CSV, if I edit the csv file in notepad for instance the characters arer displayed correctly ( I guess that means the file is in utf-8)
if I use iso-8859-1 the import process doesnt work at all.


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