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Breadcrumb problem - only shows default category


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Hey there guys, 


I have a problem with the breadcrumb in Prestashop 1.6.x


Some of my products are categorised for both women (category 1) and men (category 2), however if the default category is women and you view the product through men, the breadcrumb will show Home > Women > Product.


Of course this is not ideal as men want to return to the Men's category and not the Women's. So the breadcrumb should show the previous category someone has visited rather than the default category of the product.


Should be somewhere in this code of the breadcrumb.tpl and a controller...?:

<div class=" breadcrumb breadcrumb-links">
	<a class="home" href="{$base_dir}" title="{l s='Return to Home'}"><i class="icon-home"></i> {l s='Home'}</a>
	{if isset($path) AND $path}
		<span class="navigation-pipe" {if isset($category) && isset($category->id_category) && $category->id_category == 1}style="display:none;"{/if}></span>
	{if $path|strpos:'span' !== false}
		<span class="navigation_page">{$path|@replace:'<a ': '<span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb"><a itemprop="url" '|@replace:'data-gg="">': '><span itemprop="title">'|@replace:'</a>': '</span></a></span>'}</span>

Thanks for any help!!

Edited by TimTamTom (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...
This should already be working as long as your server is setting the HTTP referrer correctly. It's lines 139-153 (in PrestaShop v1.6.1.9) of controllers/front/ProductController.php that does it:

// If the previous page was a category and is a parent category of the product use this category as parent category
$id_object = false;
if (isset($regs[1]) && is_numeric($regs[1])) {
$id_object = (int)$regs[1];
} elseif (isset($regs[5]) && is_numeric($regs[5])) {
$id_object = (int)$regs[5];
if ($id_object) {
$referers = array($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],urldecode($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']));
if (in_array($this->context->link->getCategoryLink($id_object), $referers)) {
$id_category = (int)$id_object;
} elseif (isset($this->context->cookie->last_visited_category) && (int)$this->context->cookie->last_visited_category && in_array($this->context->link->getProductLink($id_object), $referers)) {
$id_category = (int)$this->context->cookie->last_visited_category;

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  • 8 years later...


We encountered the same issue on one of our client's websites.
As a result, we developed a module to ensure the consistency of the breadcrumb trail.
Here is the module available in the marketplace. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/navigation-tools/95267-product-category-preserver-breadcrumb-consistency.html

Have a great day,

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