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URGENTE - No puedo acceder al Dashboard

Antonio López

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Al intentar acceder al Dashboard me aparece un error de Http 500. El error que me aparece es este.


Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template "/var/www/vhosts/21/186155/webspace/httpdocs/ohmylooksshop.com/_admin/themes/default/template/header.tpl" on line 23 "var help_class_name = '{$controller_name|@addcslashes:'\" - Unexpected "'" <-- thrown in /var/www/vhosts/21/186155/webspace/httpdocs/ohmylooksshop.com/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 23


El código del header.tpl donde aparece el error es este.

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                                    <div id="list_customers_notif" class="list_notif">
                                        <span class="no_notifs">
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                        $(function () {
                            $('.ajax-quick-link').on('click', function (e) {

                                var method = $(this).data('method');

                                if (method == 'add')
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                                        Please name this shortcut: ' js=1}', '{$quick_access_current_link_name.0|truncate:32}');

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                                            "name": name,
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                                        dataType: "json",
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                                                    quicklink_list += '<li><a href="' + data[index]['link'] + '&token=' + data[index]['token'] + '"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> ' + data[index]['name'] + '</a></li>';

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                                                $.each(data, function (index, value) {
                                                    if (typeof data[index] == 'string')
                                                            title: "",
                                                            message: data[index]
                                            else if (quicklink_list) {
                                                $("#header_quick ul.dropdown-menu").html(quicklink_list);
                    <ul id="header_employee_box">
                        {if (!isset($logged_on_addons) || !$logged_on_addons) && (isset($display_addons_connection) && $display_addons_connection)}
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                                <span class="string-long">{l s='Connect to PrestaShop Marketplace account'}</span>
                                <span class="string-short">{l s='PrestaShop Marketplace'}</span>
                        {/if} {if {$base_url[spam-filter]
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                                <span class="string-long">{l s='My shop'}</span>
                                <span class="string-short">{l s='Shop'}</span>
                            {if isset($maintenance_mode) && $maintenance_mode == true}
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								<span class="label-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-html="true"
								title="<p class='text-left text-nowrap'><strong>{l s='Your shop is in maintenance.'}</strong></p><p class='text-left'>{l s='Your visitors and customers cannot access your shop while in maintenance mode.%s To manage the maintenance settings, go to Preferences > Maintenance.' sprintf='<br />'}</p>">{l s='Maintenance mode'}</span>
                        <li id="employee_infos" class="dropdown">
                            <a href="{$link->getAdminLink('AdminEmployees')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}&id_employee={$employee->id|intval}&updateemployee" class="employee_name dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
                                <span class="employee_avatar_small">
								{if isset($employee)}
								<img class="imgm img-thumbnail" alt="" src="{$employee->getImage()}" width="32" height="32" />
                                <span class="string-long">{$employee->firstname} {$employee->lastname}</span>
                                <span class="string-short">{l s='Me'}</span>
                                <i class="caret"></i>
                            <ul id="employee_links" class="dropdown-menu">
                                    <span class="employee_avatar">
									<img class="imgm img-thumbnail" alt="" src="{$employee->getImage()}" width="96" height="96" />
                                <li class="text-center text-nowrap">{$employee->firstname} {$employee->lastname}</li>
                                <li class="divider"></li>
                                <li><a href="{$link->getAdminLink('AdminEmployees')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}&id_employee={$employee->id|intval}&updateemployee"><i class="icon-wrench"></i> {l s='My preferences'}</a></li>
                                {if $host_mode}
                                <li><a href="https://www.prestashop.com/cloud/" class="_blank"><i class="icon-wrench"></i> {l s='My PrestaShop account'}</a></li>
                                <li class="divider"></li>
                                <li><a id="header_logout" href="{$login_link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}&logout"><i class="icon-signout"></i> {l s='Sign out'}</a></li>

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            </nav>{* end header_infos*}

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                {/if} {hook h='displayAdminAfterHeader'} {* end display_header*} {else}
                <body{if isset($lite_display) && $lite_display} class="ps_back-office display-modal" {/if}>
                    <div id="main">
                        <div id="content" class="{if !$bootstrap}nobootstrap{else}bootstrap{/if}">

Porfavor, necesito ayuda porque no puedo acceder al panel. No se que hacer para solucionarlo.

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