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How to make Products Category to get only the most specific category

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Hi all!

How do I do to make the Products Category module to work only with the most specific category?
Here's what I mean: I have a category called "Clothing for men" and categories A, B, and C under this category. All the products are "registered" within they specific categories and on their parent category, "Clothing for men". When a product is on category A, I want the module to display only category A products. For the fisrt "click" it works just fine and takes me to the product, but then the module starts showing all the products under the "Clothing for men" category, including the ones on categories B and C, wich I dont want.

A way to this would be to only "register" the product in categories A, B and C, and not on the "Clothing for men", but then the product wouldn't show on the "Clothing for men" category page, what I really need.

Any ideas??


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