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error in header.tpl?

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In my theme, the header.tpl file reads:

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From line 46 to 51, the code allows the menu to open into submenus, but it effects the order.tpl in such a way, that the vouchers and trashbin behind the products in the order steps dissapear:

{if isset($js_defer) && !$js_defer && isset($js_files) && isset($js_def)}
    {foreach from=$js_files item=js_uri}
    <script type="text/javascript" src="{$js_uri|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"></script>

When i delete line 46 to 51, the vouchers and trashbins appear as they should in the order.tpl, but now my muenu won't open into submenus.

Please help. Thank you.

Edited by pandorrah (see edit history)
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I deleted line 46 and line 51, no change.

I also deleted line 46, white screen.
With the 4 remaing lines the problem remains: ór my menu won't change into submenu items, ór the voucher codes and trash icons dissapear on the order.tpl.


I have little to no php experience...

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Confused by what you want to accomplish..


back office-->advanced parms-->performance


scroll down find load .js files bottom...etc.


If you have non-1.6 compliant modules/theme then load .js top to see if resolved.  This however is big performance hit on your time to render 'above the fold' page view.

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No, don't say that code needs to be changed. He changed the code and that was the mistake. I was just showing him where the issue is.

thanks for clarification...so no push ups?


Fix is not working:


1. BO > Advanced > Load Javascipt at bottom YES, but no changes to problem.


not working covers a lot of area....


I would think you have some non-compliant menu or other .js issue non native.


It's best for community help to describe issue before making core changes...that is how to get best advice's.

Edited by El Patron (see edit history)
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Would this be a missing javascript from the theme itself?

In DEV MODE i have no errors whatsoever. I don't know where to go from here.



post front office url where community can test, then we can use chrome tools for example to debug .js loading.


I suggest/recommend loading .js bottom....but detail each time what errors you are getting.....

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https://www.pandorrah.nl/comics/ site is not live for public, but settings are correct to go live. Just for this one little problem.


ok, I see shop, now .js loaded bottom....now give ndiaga and I idea how to recreate your issue.  Remember details details for each post so we dont' play 20 questions.   :)


also tell us where you got this theme...the link...

Edited by El Patron (see edit history)
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If you make an order (order some stuff from the website) and go to checkout:

in checkout screen i have the problem: not working submenus, ór not showing vouchers and trashbins behind items (in Firefox, not in Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer). Link for theme is: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/334322-free-prestashop-16-theme-minimal/ in forumpost.

Thank you in advance for your time :)

Edited by pandorrah (see edit history)
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If you make an order (order some stuff from the website) and go to checkout:


in checkout screen i have the problem: not working submenus, ór not showing vouchers and trashbins behind items (in Firefox, not in Chrome). Link for theme is: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/334322-free-prestashop-16-theme-minimal/ in forumpost.


Thank you in advance for your time :)






there are similar questions in the theme posting you can try....but for me anyway....you need to wait for developer response.


best of luck

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I was just looking around to see if this had been solved, and when trying to add a product to the cart, I got this error message:

Impossible to add the product to the cart.
textStatus: 'parsererror'
errorThrown: 'SyntaxError: Unexpected token  in JSON at position 0'
{"products":[{"id":3038,"link":"https:\/\/www.pandorrah.nl\/comics\/actie-figuren\/3038-guardians-of-the-galaxy-rocket-raccoon-met-blaster.html","quantity":1,"image":"https:\/\/www.pandorrah.nl\/comics\/3006-home_default\/guardians-of-the-galaxy-rocket-raccoon-met-blaster.jpg","image_cart":"https:\/\/www.pandorrah.nl\/comics\/3006-cart_default\/guardians-of-the-galaxy-rocket-raccoon-met-blaster.jpg","priceByLine":"\u20ac 20,00","name":"Guardians Of The Galaxy Rocket Raccoon Met Blaster","price":"\u20ac 20,00","price_float":16.53,"idCombination":0,"idAddressDelivery":0,"is_gift":false,"hasAttributes":false,"hasCustomizedDatas":false,"customizedDatas":[]}],"discounts":[],"shippingCost":"\u20ac 4,95","shippingCostFloat":4.95,"taxCost":"\u20ac 4,33","wrappingCost":"\u20ac 0,00","nbTotalProducts":1,"total":"\u20ac 24,95","productTotal":"\u20ac 20,00","freeShipping":"\u20ac 15,00","freeShippingFloat":15,"hasError":false,"crossSelling":""}

Are you aware of this? :)

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my advice?


you get what you pay for.


For the money you save with 'free theme', you spend countless hours debugging.  


Budget for and then buy a 'high qualiity' theme, which 1) works and 2) comes with tools you didn't know even existed.


This is advice of experience...happy day,  el

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I second that. Sometimes I find that one of my clients might be hesitant at first to spend money on a theme, but when they see the sizable difference in features, support and quality, they are generally easily convinced.


It's an investment, much more so than a sunk cost!

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Has nothing to do with cost, but preferences. Also, i have lots of paid modules and sometimes they give errors also.

For now, no problems.


it has to do with what one gets with high quality theme....if you never had one then you must rely on others to tell you what you are missing. :)

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