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[SOLVED] Send to a friend form, "Back to...." text falls ouside of the button!

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Hi all,

Another issue I have resolved this morning is the fact that on the send to a friend page underneath the main box there is a button to return to the product. This is ok if the product has a short name but if it has a long name the text gets pushed down a line and looks ugly!

To solve this I used the Truncate feature! So the text would appear "Back to Product Nu..." and not fall outside the button.

Go to modules/sendtoafriend/sendtoafriend.tpl

You will need to edit line 38 which looks like this

{l s='Back to' mod='sendtoafriend'} {$product->name}

Add the code


It should now look like this

{l s='Back to' mod='sendtoafriend'} {$product->name|truncate:20:'...'}

Done! You can have a play around with the number value to see what works best for your button!

If you find this useful or have any questions let me know and I will continue to post little tips for things like this when I come across issues!

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