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Which prestashop theme to choose for newbie


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Hi guys, 
I considering on buying theme for my shop. I'm newbie in prestashop. 

I was thinking about:  Warehouse a Panda

Warehouse: https://themeforest.net/item/warehouse-responsive-prestashop-16-theme-blog/3178575?s_rank=1

Panda: https://themeforest.net/item/panda-responsive-prestashop-theme/9750650?_ga=1.112340160.538912775.1469203514


Warehouse has visual composer i better module menu (is it important for newbie?).It also has "Amount left to free delivery" - I would like to have it in my shop

I like support in Panda. I can discuss with the author on skype, what is very important for me.

Panda has better blog module, banner module and custom content block module

I really like demos from Panda, they look better than ware hose

Could you guys advise me? My shop will be clothes and accessories for pets.





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I think both themes are OK, choose the one that has more features that you need. Visual composers etc. are not so important as for me. Sometimes, a menu builder can be quite confusing and the more sophisticated modules the theme has, the more likely it is to cause performance problems.

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Thank you Daresh for your reply.

Frankly speaking, I don't know so much about features. If I knew what I need for my shop  I would not asked here for help. I need a simple and fast theme.

What would you choose after reading and checking those 2 themes?



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we have done 100's of front offices, overall we recommend Leo Themes.  They have the best tool set for theme than anyone else.....their menu system...is da bomb...and  their .doc with examples is great place to learn how to use them....again, this is from 100's of  theme configs for clients...one  of my great satisfactions is that when we finish our work with leo themes, the client can manage their content, i.e. they don't need us.  For some that might sound like loss of money,  I call it success.

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Warehouse or Panda is much better choice than LeoThemes, really, also i would recommend themes by "MarekMnishek" like Asylum and Venedor.


I get a little bored with leo theme bashing....and that 350+ shops later...I know exactly what I  speak of and what many happy clients say...leo themes are ahead by a century in  many ways and some have  hard time doing fo's anyway....


so much better?  warehouse hacked?  many shops never recorvered, the greatest hack to ps users ever....that is not enough to overcome the 'crowd' of few dislike for leo...


OP go with leo themes...but don't hire/ask krystian to configure it for you...lol

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Opinions, opinions.


It's just my opinion. Ok, Warehouse f up with this hack situation, you're completely right, but you have everything what you have in Leo in both Warehouse and Panda. 


And yeah, i don't like LeoThemes, 10+ accounts on every marketplace, spam, stupid actions like this "free PrestaShop 1.7 theme", maybe this is why i'm against their work?

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