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Subcategory Images Overlap Text

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I am creating my categories and subcategories and ran into this problem:



The image area is overlapping the above subcategory's text.  


There's also not enough room for some of my subs titles and they get truncated...  I can get by with renaming my subs although I'd rather not.  Seems like there should be a bit more room here.  Is there a way to allow more characters in the text box and also so the image below won't overlap that text?  It's a 125x125 thumb, btw.



Default Theme with some modifications by me

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OK - that did it.  I changed it from 13px to 40 px and to give it a more centered (top to bottom) appearance.




Thank you very much.  


I'm going to 'Like' and mark this as solved.  I still have the issue of truncated umm subcat titles(?) but that was not the topic I originally started, so I'll start another thread about that.


Thanks again!!

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Look at category.tpl at line 90 you will see this


<h5><a class="subcategory-name" href="{$link->getCategoryLink($subcategory.id_category, $subcategory.link_rewrite)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">{$subcategory.name|truncate:25:'...'|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</a></h5>


change the truncate size to one that is acceptable.

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