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Create option to upload more

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(I'm using the Google translator, not write nor speak english)


I have a specific need to create the administrative panel of prestashop.


I want to duplicate, or better, have the choice of how many files put to upload.


Today use the zip format, to send more than one file to the client can download my products, but due to people being too secular, I'm having too much trouble.


So I want you for the same product may have the option to have an upload for each file separately, and consequently the client receives a link to each file separately.


The following image I noted in red to be worked:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-TWUDdBKOdvY3dINElMZWRvbFk/view?usp=sharing


If not to understand what I said, I'm here to try to explain.


Thank you

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