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Image Item number change from original in server.


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I am new to prestashop....


My image item number is "dec900.jpg".  When I create this product in prestashop, the id is "15".  I go into the server, it becomes "30.jpg" in the folder img/p/3/0. 


I am trying to create a Filemaker Web API to upload the images to prestashop, and I need to figure out how it is done regarding the image numbering mechanism.  Can anyone help me there...Thanks.



Edited by kentcheung2000 (see edit history)
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Nice question.


In PrestaShop, there is a table ps_image and its primary key is your image name. So in 30.jpg, 30 is id_image from ps_image table.


Now, in ps_product_image table there will be relation between product and image. id_product => id_image


Your main question is where to store it. Product images will be stored in img/p folder and it will be arranged in really good pattern. Let me explain by example. If id_image is 30 then it will be in img/p/30/30.jpg let me give you more example which will make things clear without words


240.jpg => img/p/2/4/0/240.jpg

3455.jpg => img/p/3/4/5/5/3455.jpg

500 => img/p/5/0/0/500.jpg


Did you noticed directory path? It is digits of actual number. just scatter digits of id_image to know where to store that image. Did you understand? Any confusion now?

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