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Bar Labels

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Over the display of featured products, the bar is labeled "FEATURED PRODUCTS." We sell theater and concert tickets and would like to have this changed to "FEATURED EVENTS."

I've searched around and cannot discover where this wording can be modified. I can live with the current wording, but would like to impress my client that this great software can be modified to fit his style.

Anybody know? tnx/pjs


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You should be able to change it in Tools-->Translations from the Back Office.

In the "Modify Translations" box select "Modules Translations" from the dropdown, then the language you want to change.

You'll be presented with a screen that displays all the text in the site that you can substitute for your own. Scroll down to the homefeatured module and change "featured products" to "featured events" and that should be it! Note that it's in lower case, but the text style capitalises by default.


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  • 1 month later...

hi Bro! I've tried belong to your kind, but i have some same mistake, like as : Cannot write the theme's language file (/home/oritech/public_html/Oritech/modules/blockadvertising/en.php). Please check write permissions.
I'd permissed that folder and subfolder to write( CHMOD 777), but not work. CAn U help me step by step!!!Thanks anyway!

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