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On my front page it's showing me this "!-- Module CU3ER --> " at the bottom. But I see no flash better, I followed everything that I was told to do. Before it was showing a lot of code on my frontpage but I went back and changed the "removed" in the script with the proper code and now that code on the frontpage is gone. And it left me with the module cu3er on the frontpage. help please! www.presta.pcgro.com

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There are errors in the code. The following:

!-- Module CU3ER -->

should be:

<!-- Module CU3ER -->

The following:

<script type =" text / javascript ">

should be:

<script type="text/javascript">

and the following:

</ script>

should be:


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There is another error in the module. In the source code, the following:

<script type=“text/javascript” src=”http://www.presta.pcgro.com/js/swfobject/swfobject.js”></script>

should be:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.presta.pcgro.com/js/swfobject/swfobject.js"></script>

The PrestaShop forums automatically converts straight quotes into angle quotes. Be careful to change them back to straight quotes in your code.

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Wow thank Rocky for all your help. I have it almost up and running but now it's acting like it's going to run. It doesn't start though, I'm wondering if I put my images in the right place. I placed my image in the root dir of my server and changed the config.xml file that's in the module - editorial directory to reflect the images folder. It's almost done...so very close

Also how would I move the banner up higher on my webpage?

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thanks I made the changes and replaced the images folder. But still nothing comes up. I'm wondering does it take a while for it to reset on the server before I will see the changes I wonder.

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yes I uploaded the images folder with the images in that folder. Into the new folder you stated. Well I haven't created new ones, just the images that I downloaded. i turned around and uploaded the samples does that make a difference?

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I'm going to bed now, so I can't help any more at the moment. When I visit the following URLs, I am getting the default slides:


Make sure that these are the images you are replacing with your own slides and are uploading.

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There must be an incorrect path somewhere. The odd thing is that it works if you run the file directly: http://www.presta.pcgro.com/modules/editorial/cu3er.swf, but not when you run it from the homepage. You could try changing the image paths in modules/editorial/config.xml to absolute paths. For example, change "images/slide_1.jpg" to "/modules/editorial/images/slide_1.jpg".

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Ok. It was working but now it doesn't work. When I changed the dir of the images like you stated it showed up working on my site, but when I tried to change the size to make it bigger didn't work. So I put the size back to original size. And now it doesn't work I changed the editorial.tpl size.

but yeah clicking on that link you stated it does show it working.

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The module doesn't come with any CSS, so you'll need to edit your global.css and add a block like the following and add your styles to it:



You'll need to edit the config.xml file to add code to enable autoplay. See here for more information.

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I installed the module to my PS and it is working fine. Only problem is that I lost the possibility to edit home page text. Whole module - Home text editor is missing. is there some way how to combine those modules?




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