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change pic size on Subcategories

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i looked all over can i change size off pics used on Subcategories page. they are just to small and makes it look like their is not much in their. i kow their is only 3 in their now. but bigger will also look better i think. or just maybe space them out more

Thanks Jeff


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You should go to Preferences > Images to change the size of the images. The subcategory images use the ‘medium’ image size. You can simply edit that size, or create a new size specifically for your homepage category images, then change the link code from ‘medium’ to the name of the size you created. Once you’ve finished modifying the image sizes, click “Regenerate thumbnail images” to recreate the images in the new sizes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The method you described should work, however if you resize the medium images, it will effect it everywhere that medium images are used. The best method really (as you mentioned) is to create a new image type "subcat" and then replace it in the relevant .tpl file.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

best of all is create new image type "subcategory", "list" etc as you like, after that you should change your .tpl


For example if you want change subcategory's image size, create in preferences -> image new image type "subcat", then open your /themes/yourthemename/category.tpl and change code. There you find something code for changing.

For best action, you can browse your global.css and other files and may be there will be some places to change code.


And you should change in the main deryctory category.php and other files (if you added other images` type) if you are using friendly url, because in IE9 images not shown without modifying php files

Edited by Jevgen (see edit history)
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