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Mulitple carriers for different products in one order

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Hi, is there a module that allows combining multiple carriers in one order? Presently it is not possible to add two products that can't be combined with shipping methods. It will result in 'no carrier' available which is annoying.


For example: product 1 requires bulk shipping

                     product 2 will be shipped by regular mail


Any tips are much appreciated.

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There should be no "No Carrier Available" errors as long as you have carriers properly set up, properly assigned to products, valid for your shipping address, and valid for each item in the cart.


The most common problems are:


1. The weight of the item(s) for a given carrier exceed the maximum weight set for that carrier, or the item weight ranges are not properly set up in the carrier.


2. The item's weights are not properly assigned (wrong values)


3. If you have your carrier settings based on the cart's total price then you may not have a range set that covers your cart's total value.


4. The selected shipping address is not covered by any carriers.


5. No carrier assigned to one or more items (or no carrier that is valid for that item/address)


6. If you are using warehouses then no carrier assigned to one or more warehouses (or no carrier that is valid for that item/address)


You might want to have a look at this page that goes over proper carrier setup:


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