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Migration : oscommerce to PS

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I tried one migration but it didn't work as it was for oscommerce stores with the prefix osc_ which is more for oscommerce 3 which has not been released yet.

I'm using oscommerce rc2.2R2a which does not have the prefixes.

I sure do hope a migration tool is made for this!

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I could not do that as I have clients that have thousands of products and customers. I looked at both databases today and there are a lot of changes that have to be made so hopefully a script will come along soon.

I never could get easypopulate to work anyway.

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Table prefixes aren't a problem really. Just have a search through the code to where the prefix is defined and remove them from all the table references - problem solved.

I'll have a quick run through the code, and modify it to allow it to work on databases that don't use table prefixes. Will post it here shortly.


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Yuck. I hadn't looked at this before, but we need a better tool than this. Sadly I don't have the time to write one....

I've made the necessary changes to get rid of the database prefix - I'm assuming your osC tables don't have any.

You'll still need to edit the following in db_mysql.inc.php to values which match your osC installation:

 var $Host     = "localhost";
 var $Database = "database";
 var $User     = "root";
 var $Password = "";

Apart from that you can try running it on your osC server to see what it produces. Note that the generated sql will remove any existing products and categories from your current PrestaShop installation when you execute the generated SQL on your ps databse, and that it assumes that the prestaShop DB_PREFIX is set to "ps_"



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Ok here is where I am ...

I put all the files in the prestashop folder along with the 2 different sql files, uploaded them. I changed permissions on the generated folder to 777.

I put the oscommerce information in the db_mysql.inc.php file.

I ran the osc2ps.php and it did generate the files.

Then I went into the server and changed the permissions on these two files to 777 so I could download them.

I looked at the files, categories and products, in a text editor and they have certainly changed.

But now I absolutely cannot access the prestashop admin.

Any ideas?

Another thing you need to change in the osc2ps.php file is the language if you only use english:
//single language
$id_lang= 1;
It was set to 2.

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I think that's wise mel62; that script looks a little basic and if it hasn't been updated for a while, probably misses out some stuff that's been more recently introduced. It was worth a try!

If I get a spare slot in my schedule (sadly like everyone I've got to make a living too!) then I'll maybe have a look at writing something a bit more robust; we'll also see what appears in version 1.1 I guess.


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